Every time you step on your mat you have the opportunity to start fresh. Start over. Reflect and make thoughtful choices. Begin Again.

Hello friend!

Thanks for taking the time to pop in and learn more about Begin Again Yoga. Begin Again Yoga LLC was born because I saw the need for others to be guided on how to slow down and simply… breathe. My practice has always been focused on the breath, and in my classes you hear it mentioned a lot… and I mean a lot.

I first started practicing yoga in 2013 while my husband and I lived in North Carolina. I found great comfort in the practice to help alleviate the side effects of stress and anxiety. Yoga took me on a spiritual journey that led me to earning my 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) certification from the balanced breath school of yoga at balance yoga lounge in Ankeny, IA. The training my colleagues and I received is rooted in Integrative Yoga Therapy, which brings together ancient yogic philosophy, asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breath work), mudras, and mindfulness into a complete package where they are integrated and utilized for therapeutic classes. I reflect my experiences while I teach, with a goal of others experiencing the same benefits of yoga on the mind, body, and spirit connection. I truly enjoy sharing tools with my students to help make life more enjoyable and have better general wellness that yoga has provided to me.

My yoga practice is constantly evolving and changing with the many seasons of life. I became a mother in 2021 after years of infertility and struggle. Navigating postpartum anxiety, career shifts, and the highs and lows of becoming a new mom has brought about a deeper understanding of myself. My yoga looks different now than when I received my certification in 2018. That is the beauty of it all. It’s an evolution. And one thing is for certain: yoga has been a constant through it all.

Every day I continue to learn that yoga is much more than a physical practice and postures we put our bodies into on a mat. It’s a way of life, attitude, and mental state. It’s simply breathing and recognizing when I might be holding my breath. It’s feeling the ground beneath me when I walk. It’s surrounding myself with people who fill my cup rather than empty it. It’s nourishing the body through healing food from the Earth. And the Universe is calling me to share that with others. 

Thank you for being here, and I hope to meet you soon. Namaste.
